primedocs connect

The primedocs connect interface creates a seamless connection between external systems and the primedocs template software.

An external system, such as the CRM, ERP, etc., calls Primedocs, which generates the document before returning it to the original system. Additional technical details are available at this link.

Example integrations:

  • Industry-specific applications such as CMI, KLIBnet oder innosolv 
  • CRM systems
  • DMS systems such as enaio 
  • ERP systems such as SAP or Abacus 

primedocs select

The primedocs select interface enables specific data to be retrieved directly from third-party systems within the primedocs environment.

This generic data interface allows targeted information to be retrieved from external sources to efficiently support the workflow in primedocs. Additional technical details are available at this link.

Areas of use:

  • Address systems such as 
  • Specialist applications 
  • CRM systems  
  • DMS systems  
  • ERP systems
  • SQL databases

Seamless integration with primedocs


Video on the integration of CMI

The following video gives you an insight into the typical process of a business case when selecting, generating and saving a primedocs template in CMI.

This practical walkthrough shows you step-by-step how to seamlessly integrate the primedocs template software into your CMI working environment. 

Not finding the right integration for you?

Our primedocs template software is characterized by an extremely flexible architecture that allows it to interact seamlessly with a variety of systems.  
Whether it's CRM platforms, ERP systems or other industry-specific software - we will check the compatibility with our primedocs template software for you.