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A comparison: Working with and without template software in Outlook

Written by Primedocs | 6. December 2023

A busy working day often brings with it a storm of emails. Statistics show that professionals receive around 25 business emails a day. If you find yourself in this stream, you are not alone.

Companies need to ensure that their employees can react quickly, write clear messages and make important information easily accessible.

Innovation in corporate communications:
Writing emails twice as fast in Outlook

Have you thought about how much time you could save if every email response was up to 50% more efficient?

Let's assume that your company has around 200 employees who receive an average of 25 business emails a day and need around 10 minutes for each reply.



Handling the same quantity of emails with less workforce

employees 200
number of e-mails per day 25
total all emails for your company 5'000
time to reply to these e-mails (10min) 50’000min / 833 working hours
50% increase in productivity using the primedocs template software 416 working hours saved


Does that sound interesting to you? Then get to know the other advantages of primedocs template software for Outlook.


In addition to increasing efficiency, the primedocs template software offers even more



A "must have" for digitized companies: primedoc's template software instead of Microsoft Office standard functions

Previous sections show that the use of primedocs template software leads to significant efficiency gains when composing emails.



Standard Outlook functions vs. primedocs Outlook module

What specific differences are there in practice when using primedocs instead of the conventional standard Microsoft Office functions in Outlook?

Outlook feature

Outlook without primedocs template software

Outlook with primedocs template software

CI/CD conform


Everything automatically 100% in the corporate design, e.g. only desired fonts, colors, formatting, etc.

Management of templates and text modules

Individual, local and manual

Centralized via an admin area, which ensures that it is always up to date

Browsability of templates

Fairly difficult

Fast and easy

Authorization system for templates



User profiles for different sender blocks


Yes, your employees with multiple functions can easily select multiple profiles

Time-controlled marketing campaigns in the address block



Central management of signatures (sender block)


Yes, all emails from all employees are sent "in one go"

The standard functions of Outlook are not sufficient to achieve a significant increase in administrative efficiency.


Manual building blocks vs. primedocs text blocks

Another example of the above scenario are the so-called text modules or text fragments that can be used repeatedly in Outlook.

The following distinction is made in terms of functionality:

  1. Outlook building blocks: Microsoft Outlook offers the option of working with "manual building blocks". This is a function integrated into the Microsoft Office package that any user with the standard Microsoft Office package can use.
  2. primedocs text blocks: primedocs goes further than manual building blocks; by installing the template software, it offers intuitive text blocks that are easy to use via drag & drop.

Microsoft Office building blocks

primedocs text blocks





Here is an overview of all the differences between Outlook manual building blocks and primedocs text blocks:


Outlook feature

MS building blocks

primedocs text blocks

Save a frequently used text Yes Yes
Drag & drop No


New modules with just a few clicks No


Sharing text blocks with



Easy-to-use selection of existing modules No


Centralized storage on server No


Various access rights No Yes
 Setting favorites No Yes


More efficient corporate communication: Digital transformation with Microsoft Outlook using primedoc's template software

A step-by-step introduction of the template software promises a considerable increase in your efficiency with minimal setup effort.

This investment not only has a long-term positive effect on your employees by increasing their satisfaction, but also makes a significant contribution to the overall performance of your company. primedocs gives you a decisive advantage in the digital transformation of your corporate communications.

Are you ready to take advantage of primedocs? Let's bet that our template management software will quickly become an indispensable resource for your employees.

Start now and experience the comprehensive benefits for yourself!



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