Wofür braucht man Brand Management?
#administrative-productivity | #branding
Brand management: What do you need it for?

In this article, we will show you why brand management is important for your ...

5 valuable tips for an optimized digital workflow
#administrative-productivity | #branding
5 valuable tips for an optimized digital workflow

A digital workflow comprises electronic workflows and for the provision of ...

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#branding | #powerpoint
PrimeSoft integrates Frontify for Microsoft PowerPoint

We are very pleased to introduce you to an exciting new feature in our ...

How public administrations overcome their resource problems (including 3 case studies)
#new-digital-workplace | #administrative-productivity
How public administrations overcome their resource problems (including 3 case studies)

A recently published german study of 2,131 municipalities surveyed sheds light ...

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#new-digital-workplace | #administrative-productivity | #branding | #outlook
Outlook signature: consistent and professional

In many companies, there is a state of fragmentation when it comes to managing ...

word text blocks
#administrative-productivity | #outlook | #word
Five Word text block problems with the standard Microsoft Office solution

A text module is a prefabricated section of text that can be reused to ensure ...

Digital Workplace
Digital Workplace - Trends und Must Haves

The Management is constantly looking for innovative approaches to operational ...

Template management
#administrative-productivity | #branding
What is template management and why do you need it?

Using and managing document templates makes it easy to control and organize all ...

Together into the digital future
We support the "Pack ma's digital" initiative

We are pleased to announce: Our PrimeDocs GmbH in Munich is now one of the ...

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Save up to 20% spring discount now!

Take advantage of our exclusive "spring offer" and get primedocs!

kickoff primesoft thumbnail
Culinary team creations: Our way into the new year

This year, we celebrated our annual review and the kick-off for 2024 in a ...

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Optimize customer interactions with template software

The digital era has made B2B customer journeys more complex and, according to ...

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#administrative-productivity | #branding | #outlook
A comparison: Working with and without template software in Outlook

A busy working day often brings with it a storm of emails. Statistics show that ...

update pd OO brandic
primedocs update from OneOffixx or Brandic

primedocs is the new version of the well-known PrimeSoft template solutions ...

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PrimeSoft: Your reliable resource for superior quality!

  Two years ago we took important steps to bring our processes to a higher ...

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professional Word template creation and management

In this post, we'll explain how to create a business Word template and why it ...